Resolve to Let Go

 What if, instead of adding to your to-dos, you go back to the origin of the word and choose something to release this year?

Maybe not all at once.

And definitely not perfectly.

But is there something that you feel you would like less of? 

Something you are holding onto a little too tight?

A grudge or a fear?

Maybe that nagging critical inner voice that just needs to give you a break?

Criticism of others? Time in others’ worlds on-line instead of building your own? 

Or maybe clenching onto your own mistakes and shortcomings so tightly there isn’t much room for love to settle in and show your true beauty?

Or allowing resentment to tarnish the opportunities for joy in your life?

I was reading in Alma 26 today and was overcome with a calming reassurance at the wonder and gratitude Alma the Younger had at the forgiveness and mercy Jesus Christ had made possible and offered him.  

 In 1996, a young woman shared her own experience with this lesson.  Anne Marie Rose related an experience where life circumstances around her sports team were feeling exceptionally unfair.  “But I couldn’t seem to let go of my disappointment and resentment. Then general conference came.  President Hinckley’s address offered the counsel I needed to put things into perspective. By having an “overpowering spirit of optimism” and enthusiasm, I could decide to let go of my volleyball experience. I could decide to be positive and optimistic about the many good things in my life: my friendships, my studies, my family. I could play volleyball for fun rather than competition. Suddenly the dilemma that had seemed so overwhelming began to fade. I started to feel better about myself. I read the scriptures more. I prayed more. I liked other people more. I felt the Spirit reenter my life.

I am grateful for a living prophet who taught me to let go of feeling sorry for myself. He quoted  Alma 26:35 which teaches us there never was a people “that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began.” I realize now that I have so much to be grateful for, so many reasons to rejoice.”

President Hinckley and Anne Marie seemed to catch that same spirit I did when I read Alma 26 today.

And so this year, I am resolving to simply let something go…no matter how many tries it takes.

I want more room for love and gratitude and miracles.


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