
 Yesterday, in Relief Society, a friend answered a question by referring to a line from a primary song- “Reverence is more than just quietly sitting, it’s thinking of Father above…”

The follow up comment mentioned the power of Primary songs in teaching children.

Another sister added that it was also true for adults. 

I immediately recalled studying about the human brain and remembrance and how songs learned in childhood are amongst the most powerful memories of all- often being some of the last coherent memories even when faced with dementia. 

Sister Gayle M Clegg, testified of the sweet power of these songs when she explained, “This feeling is why we go to church each week and sing Primary songs and hymns, sometimes the same ones over and over again. We know the words, but all of a sudden, the words make our hearts swell with light and love. It’s like we remember who we really are. Because we are Heavenly Father’s children, it’s like He comes down and turns on a light for us.”

Primary songs TEACH the children, and they REMIND the adults.

What are the songs you have learned reminding you?


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