Alive in Christ
As I watched a sweet young couple face the unthinkable this week the same words kept coming to mind over and over.
I kept thinking back to those moments when my own NICU baby was facing life or death circumstances and the unshakable testimony George had that she was ours no matter what.
Ours no matter what.
This sweet girl faced 286 days in the NICU with the most devoted parents who did everything humanly possible to give their fragile daughter the most “normal” and fulfilling baby life possible.
Songs, stories, massage, exercising her little limbs, conversation, rocking, and so much advocacy.
She was a fighter who had to work for EVERY breath she ever took. EVERY one.
She only knew love.
She was fiesty and knew what she wanted and didn’t, and let everyone know!
Staff came in on their day off to say goodbye and be with the family they had grown to love.
They scrambled to get her baptized this week and I was thankful for my knowledge that Jesus Christ embraces and covers all little ones.
Elder Shayne M Bowen assured a mother whose baby had been lost before baptism of this promise and shared this scripture , “And their little children need no repentance, neither baptism. Behold, baptism is unto repentance to the fulfilling the commandments unto the remission of sins. But little children are alive in Christ, even from the foundation of the world; if not so, God is a partial God, and also a changeable God, and a respecter to persons; for how many little children have died without baptism!”
They hope and pray she is with Jesus.
I am thankful for my knowledge that she truly is.
She is alive in Christ.
And that Christ will walk this heart-shattering path of grief and loss with her family, but calls on us to accompany Him.
Mostly I am thankful for this angel and how each life matters.
For 286 days she has taught and instructed me through her fighting spirit.
I am better because of her.
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