Have you ever thought about the preparation that needs to be in place for a life flight helicopter to be ready?
I was waiting outside a hospital the other day and watched with curiosity as pilots ran out to the helipad, climbed aboard and lifted into the sky within a matter of seconds.
A few minutes later they returned and landed.
I’m assuming that the call was cancelled, because they hadn’t been in the air for more than a few minutes and quickly returned and lowered back to the large red square painted on the concrete.
Two men climbed out, and immediately refueled, and scrubbed down the glass sides. They circled the vehicle, touching things here and there in what appeared to be a safety check.
It made me think about the fact that they surely hadn’t been in the air for long enough to deplete their fuel.
Only then did the men sit down on a nearby bench.
And when the radio attached to his belt beeped a few minutes later, they ran back to the vehicle and took off within seconds.
It made me consider my own physical, emotional and especially apirtual preparation.
Am I ready for emergencies?
Do I already have enough knowledge and faith in practice to respond quickly?
D&C teaches us that “if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.”
We never know exactly when and how those trials will come, but they will come.
It’s up to us how ready to rescue we will be.
Elder Kim B Clark spoke of President Monson’s call that we rescue one another at times of need and how that will only be successful with the help of the Savior.
How do we receive that help?
“We do not have to be perfect, but we need to be good and getting better. We need to strive to live the plain and simple truths of the gospel. If we take upon us the name of Christ, act with faith in Him to repent of our sins, keep His commandments, and always remember Him, we will receive the companionship of the Holy Ghost through the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ.”
He will guide us as we rescue.
But we have to be ready or it could be too late.
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