
I was recently reflecting on a conversation with a friend who is a constant critic of Gospel principles and leaders. It would seem that no matter what the topic, this individual has their own interpretation and suggested updates and changes that should be made. Sometimes those ideas are in direct conflict with teachings from prophets and scripture. So what do we do in situations like this? When Joseph Smith had that question, he was instructed in D&C 71: 7Wherefore, confound your enemies; call upon them to meet you both in public and in private; and inasmuch as ye are faithful their shame shall be made manifest. 8 Wherefore, let them bring forth their strong reasons against the Lord. 9 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you—there is no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; 10 And if any man lift his voice against you he shall be confounded in mine own due time. 11 Wherefore, keep my commandments; they are true and faithful. Bear test...