Warm and Strict

Sometimes what may seem like opposites aren't. Like being warm and being strict. Doug Lamov does a great job of explaining that not only do we sometimes need to be strict and sometimes need to be warm, but we frequently need to do them at the same time. It's not that we love someone and we also need them to have consequences. It's that they need to have consequences BECAUSE we love them and we desire for them to learn and grow and progress. This is true of our role as teachers, parents, managers, and many more. One way that we can express that caring love is by explaining the why. For instance, I had a student who was talking and giggling to her friend during class. I reminded them once and then quickly told them that I knew they were really good friends and cared about each other, but that we would find another time for them to spend time together. Right now I needed them to move to their tables so that everyone...