Better Than You Think

On one of my flights last week I was seated next to a little family with two daughters. One was 18 months and one was 3. The 18 month old, like most toddlers, wanted to sit with whichever parent was currently not holding her and kept trying to dive back and forth across the aisle from her mom to her dad. The airplane only had an extra oxygen mask on one side so federal regulations said she had to remain in place on that side. Not understanding, and being very 18 months on the final leg of their journey, she was exhausted and cried for much of the flight. When mom and dad finally switched places so dad could hold her the three year old promptly fired up her lungs in protest. She now wanted Mommy. These loving parents tried food, books, toys, movies, games, songs and still their embarrassment and frustration with the public situation was palpable. They kept apologizing to me and those around us. We assured them we had all been there and ...