Noble Youth

Joydrops. As I finish this year of teaching seminary that's how I sum it up. Nine individuals who made me better. There were plenty of lessons that I wondered if we got anything out of. Plenty of mornings where the ring of my alarm was followed by a groan. Mornings of more heads down than up. But also so much joy. So. Much. Joy. Boys showing up in summer clothes with all the girls in winter pajamas and scarves. Students writing songs and painting pictures and building play dough characters. Our student who goes to an out of town academy so only can pop in occasionally and always does with and warm welcome and bright smile. So much laughter. Asking questions. Blowing the ceremonial horns. Helping each other. Eating the edges of the coffee cake. Making videos. Answering questions. Praying. Forgiving. Helping. Studying. So many rounds of Seminary Telestrations. Sin...