Empty Cups

I am an impatient person by nature. I rarely get my hair done because it will take too long sitting there. I really prefer overnight results to any exercise or strengthening program I try- which is of course not how that works. At work, I fill my water bottles at the fountain down the hall and it always seems to take FOREVER! So even though in reality it takes less than 90 seconds to completely fill it, I find myself regularly saying “good enough” and filling it just 1/3 or 1/2 way and hurrying back to class for my next task. Which means 20 minutes later I am out of water again and have to go back to the fountain again. It seems ridiculous even as I write it. I don’t pause long enough to be sure I have filled my cup?!!! Elder M Russell Ballard, speaking to women, instructed, “Third, even as you try to cut out the extra commitments, sisters, find some time for yourself to cultivate your gifts and interests. Pick one or two things that you would like to learn or do tha...