
Artwork by Yongsung Kim "Is this our Nicholas? (Name changed)." A former preschool coworker sent the text with a screenshot of a missing child. My heart nearly stopped and it was hard to breathe as I saw this little guy's face looking back at me. He is 12 now, but all I could see was the little 4-year old who gave me a run for my money with his antics. That little boy had created a permanent place in my heart. And now he had left a friends house to walk home and never made it. I offered prayers and paced around the house for a bit before I had to do SOMETHING. I jumped in the car and headed to his neighborhood. As I approached, I talked to other faculty including a friend who is his current middle school teacher as we asked each other if anyone had news. Passing the school near his home, I saw a cluster of police cars. I swung into the parking lot and jumped out, quickly explaining who I was and that I wanted to help. They as...