Every once in awhile I recognize pure divine inspiration in a way that absolutely can not be denied. This is that. My new job was supposed to reimagine the in-school suspension room at the junior high. Also called the "Reset Room". Only I hated the name. It needed to reflect love. And rising above our mistakes. And learning new skills. We aren't computers that can simply reboot. I spent two months trying to come up with something. And still had nothing. Then the day of our final meeting I walked in and saw the large redhawk on the wall- our school mascot. What about a nest, I thought. And then these words clearly came into my mind. NEEDING EXTRA SUPPORT TODAY. I presented the idea five minutes later and it was unanimously adopted. I started to make a poster of it and after a couple hours of looking at clipart and pictures, I remembered I had taken a picture of an osprey nest in Montana a few years ago. We had driven pas...