We Can Choose

I found myself feeling what I call “prickly” about some things. That moment when I have to decide if I’m going to be offended or not. I’ve learned I can acknowledge that something can hurt my feelings without being intentionally hurtful. The phrase from Paul’s teachings about being not easily offended came to mind. As a bit of a case study, I looked back over my last few days and looked for reasons to be offended. And guess what- I found them! And the more I looked, the more I found. Words said. Words not said. The way words were said. Actions taken. Actions not taken. The way actions were taken. Social media posts- the words, the pictures, the likes and comments. Text response time or lack of. Interesting but not surprising. But I seriously disliked how it made me feel. So then I thought about that prickly feeling again, and how what it really is saying is that those connections need some strengthening or r...