
Showing posts from December, 2024

We Can Choose

 I found myself feeling what I call “prickly” about some things. That moment when I have to decide if I’m going to be offended or not. I’ve learned I can acknowledge that something can hurt my feelings without being intentionally hurtful. The phrase from Paul’s teachings about being not easily offended came to mind. As a bit of a case study, I looked back over my last few days and looked for reasons to be offended. And guess what- I found them!   And the more I looked,  the more I found. Words said.   Words not said.   The way words were said.   Actions taken.   Actions not taken.   The way actions were taken.   Social media posts- the words, the pictures, the likes and comments. Text response time or lack of.  Interesting but not surprising.   But I seriously disliked how it made me feel.  So then I thought about that prickly feeling again, and how what it really is saying is that those connections need some strengthening or r...


 Last night I was working on a little project with a nativity set and had almost finished when I realized that I couldn’t find Baby Jesus.   Frustrated, I went back through each piece of the miniature set but Jesus simply wasn’t there.  Grumbling to myself about how Amazon could have sent me  a nativity with no Jesus, I remembered hearing a small thump when I first opened it. Getting down on the floor and shining a light under the loveseat where I had been working,  I found the tiny resin crafted image of the infant Savior in a manger. It instantly brought to mind one of my favorite Christmas messages produced by the church where a young girl looks for Jesus in a similar fashion and helps her family refocus on Christ.  It also reminded me of a question- Is there room in your heart for the Savior? And the Holy Spirit gently affirmed that my love for Him is enough, I just needed that gentle nudge. In Mosiah 27:37 I read this morning, “And thus they were instr...


  Doing a routine checkin with teen boys about their upcoming weekend plans I encountered this situation. “Okay guys, five minutes left.  You can finish the last problem or sentence you were working on and use the time to connect with your friends.” “S. what are your plans for the weekend?” He smiled and looked at me while poking his friend in the ribs with the edge of his iPad.  “Sleep and video games!” “What about you, R?” “I’m going to help my sister do the angel tree at Walmart.” I smiled.  “What a cool thing to do!”  He stopped and lowered his voice a bit.  “It’s important to my sister and usually our family does it but my dad lost his job, that’s why we didn’t do Thanksgiving this year.  So he can’t give her money so I’m using mine to still help her with that.  He slowly raised his eyes and made eye contact.  Do you think that’s okay?” I looked at this 12 year old  kid in front of me with the funky hair cut and baggy jeans.  H...

Church People

  Today as I was driving my friend to church, I also needed to stop and pick up her two little granddaughters as well. As we pulled up to the house and the girls stepped out onto the porch and caught sight of me the 5 year old shrieked in joy, “Hooray!! It’s church people!!”   These little girls have been loved on by teachers, strangers and teenagers alike. They know that although church is a new experience for them it’s also one of love.  What a wonderful world it would be if all ha this same experience!  As I was was driving them back home after church, the 2 year old piped up from the backseat, “Sister Potter..” “Yes, Sweetie?” “I just love you.” Jesus Christ says we are all invited to come unto Him. And we are given that sacred and special gift to reflect his love back to others.   President Bonnie D Parkin said it this way, “Thank you for being instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work. May you feel God’s love in your lives and may you ...


  This morning I had the absolute privilege of guest teaching my previous seminary students. Oh, how I love them! Today we were focusing on charity and how in Moroni 7:45-48 there is a how-to improve on charity section.  It echoes Paul’s writings and inspires me to do more and become better.   It also was the perfect opportunity to share this: This is without a doubt my favorite Christmas story and every year I share it with my classes I am teaching.   When I was in first grade we had a class gift exchange.  The girls were in one group, the boys in another.   Our price limit was fifty cents.  I don't remember what I brought to the gift exchange but I do remember wishing and hoping for a coveted book of lifesavers.   Each student was to bring a gift in order to participate.  When the day arrived I remember a boy I will call Stanley opening his gift and receiving a matchbox car.  His eyes lit up and shone with excitement as he quickly open...

How Will He Know?

 My kids forever give me a hard time because my music on my phone never changes.   So the same songs start up when my phone connects from year to year.  Today as I was driving the song that popped up was from Disney's Enchanted.   As the words "How will she know you love her?" were piped into my car, this question came into my mind.  How does HE know you love him?  He has made it simple, though its not always easy.  "If ye love me, keep my commandments." "By this shall ye know, if ye show love one to another." "When ye are in the service of your fellowmen, ye are only in the service of your God." Trust me and love me by following me.  Love each other.  What a beautiful message for this Christmas season.  And perhaps the greatest gift isn't in the parties and treats and trim, but in how we live and love.  What a great question for me to reflect on today.  How does He know I love Him?

For Such a Time As This

 It is easy for me to sometimes think of Esther and her incredible mission and her father Mordecai pleading with her “and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”. But what if that question is just as true for the little moments as the big ones?  Perhaps I was sent for moments like ringing bells with teen girls in the Kroger parking lot. For laughing and singing and dancing and saying “Merry Christmas!” as many times as we could. For helping chubby little fingers drop coins in as we reassured young parents that their few coins would add to the whole and bless others. For singing along with the most enthusiastic young man who wanted to sing with us. For nodding in agreement when the man pushing the carts back in paused and said, “I guess if telling a lonely old man Merry Christmas makes a difference it’s the least we should do.” Perhaps you are exactly where you need to be to make a little difference too.   For such a time as this.


Today is “Christmas Character Day” at our Junior High.   When I arrived, I saw the Grinch steering the riding vacuum down the hallway and then carefully taking a seat on the foyer bench to be in place and interact with the students as they trickled into the building. The man in the costume has had his share of struggles.   He watched the business where he was manager dwindle and then die during Covid.  So he is currently a custodian in our building.   His family relationships aren’t all he wishes they could be. And he has some personal struggles he has shared.  And yet he took the time and effort to have fun amidst the drama. To bring smiles against the backdrop of stress and negativity. To rest from his other duties for just a few minutes to connect and celebrate. You don’t have to wait for perfection to have drops of joy!  Elder D Todd Christofferson taught, “Much that is good, much that is essential—even sometimes all that is necessary for now—can be ach...

Do You Still Love Me?

  The 12 year old girl in front of me dropped her eyes as she came into my classroom. She has had a rough life. And she has let some of those difficulties allow her to give up and make some very poor choices.  This had been a week of back-to-back events. On this particular day she was returning from a court hearing and needed a bit of time to decompress before attempting class. So she came over and stood by my desk and patiently waited as I helped another student. I got him squared away on his math and  I crossed the room and simply waited. Slowly she looked up and with tears rolling down her cheeks she softly whispered, “Do you still love me?” Those words at our school usually sound like “I believe in you. You can try again. You messed this up but I still see the good in you.” She is hard, so very hard.   But I absolutely saw her worth and was able to remind her that it can’t be taken away.   So I handed her a Kleenex and a pencil and said, “...

O Little Town of Bethlehem

  Born in 1831 and a Harvard graduate, Rector Phillips Brooks would serve congregations in Philadelphia and then later in Boston as a pastor. He preached against slavery in the south and pressed for rights for freedmen.  He also was deeply impacted by the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.  It was in this same year that his congregants sent him on a year international study through Europe and the Holy Land. As a part of this journey, he rode by horseback from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, stopping along the way in the fields where it is said the shepherds were tending flocks when angels appeared declaring the glad tidings of truly great joy.  He then journeyed into Bethlehem and attended an all night Christmas Eve service fully appreciating that he was walking where the Savior of the world had walked. And yet this gentle giant, who reached 6’8”, even at that moment thought of the voices on the other side of the world, those of his congregants.  Having a speci...