Satan's Kingdom

Driving through Massachusetts, I pulled up Google Maps to help navigate, as George was getting increasingly frustrated with the route recalculating that his kept doing. To my surprise, Satan's Kingdom popped up as a nearby location. I laughed and curiosity led me to research the area. It turns out there are a few possible explanations. One story says that a pastor gave a particularly strong fire and brimstone sermon in which he warned that the people's sins were going to land them in the fires of Satan's Kingdom. As they were leaving church, they saw a forest fire sweeping through the area on the other side of the Connecticut River. One man pointed out it must be Satan's Kingdom like the pastor had just been speaking about. Another story suggests the woods were a gathering place for ruffians and criminals. Regardless, I kept thinking about how nice it would be to be given maps that clearly showed the boundaries of Satan's Kingdom so we could stay away. ...