
I have gone through good stretches and bad stretches of journaling over the years. But I am convinced there is a reason we are told to remember so many times in the scriptures. Why? Because we aren't that great at remembering! Here is an entry from many years ago that I wrote about our swingset right before we moved: "This beauty of a swing set has seen a lot in our seven years here. I know it was probably 15 years old when we moved in. Sadly, the day has come that our little ones just aren't so little anymore. With Ella now an expert on her 2-wheeler, this swing set is sadly neglected. We did dump the last few bags of play sand we found in the garage into the sandbox but Ella said she can't even fit under there anymore. We thought about painting it and replacing the cover and then I decided it was a great time to bless another family. So I posted it online as free for whoever could haul it. I got a reply in less than 30 se...