I was watching two boys at indoor recess last week playing with a train set. One of the trains was "derailed" by a girl walking too closely to the tracks, much to the chagrin of the other child who promptly burst into tears. He immediately ran over to the edge of the room and began sobbing into his arms while kicking his feet. I then watched the other little boy look at the trains, take a deep breath and scowl. I moved over and sat down next to him on the carpet. "It looks like your train is off the tracks." I noted to him. "Yeah. She knocked it off." "I'm wondering what we should do when our train is off the tracks." I waited patiently for his response. I want them to become reflective members of our society. He looked over at his friend still distressed by the door. Then he looked up at me with his big brown eyes and said, "I think we should build the tracks again and get back to playing!" So...