Real Hugs Count

It had been more than 13 years. 13 years since we had spoken, corresponded, or really done much more than the occasional social media like or love. There have been graduations, illnesses, weddings, and lots of new gray hairs on both sides. Then a few months ago, she excitedly shared her impending grandparenthood. The hope and joy of a new generation, hopefully with some healing as well. And then an e-invite to attend a baby shower. "You should go." What? Where did that thought come from? It is a busy time of year and weekends are my worst times. It would literally make me sicker to fit in a trip like that. I brushed it off and went to click "decline". "You should go." There it was again. I have learned not to ignore that voice. I still do sometimes, I'm not perfect, but I knew I had a prompting. And so I clicked "maybe". I arranged for my daughter to travel with me and se...