I was hurrying through my morning routine and headed upstairs to unlock another teachers room, which I share for one class. I quickly leaned over, slipped my key attached to the lanyard around my neck into the lock, and gave a quick turn to the left. The lock made a funny, clicking sound, and the key wouldn't budge. I tried wiggling and jiggling.I tried pulling and pushing but it was stuck!!! And class would start in 4 minutes. Horrified and going into a temporary and insane panic, I jerked my head back as visions of me forever trapped to the doorknob shot through my mind. I know, ridiculous. Fortunately, common sense prevailed and I slipped the lanyard off my neck and detached the key. With chagrin, I looked around to see who was noticing. Zero. Zero of the seventh graders crowding the halls around me were in any way interested in what the faculty was doing even if they were chained to a door knob. I still felt silly, especially having l...