This is without a doubt my favorite Christmas story and every year I share it with my classes I am teaching. When I was in first grade we had a class gift exchange. The girls were in one group, the boys in another. Our price limit was fifty cents. I don't remember what I brought to the gift exchange but I do remember wishing and hoping for a coveted book of lifesavers. Each student was to bring a gift in order to participate. When the day arrived I remember a boy I will call Stanley opening his gift and receiving a matchbox car. His eyes lit up and shone with excitement as he quickly opened the car and raced it back and forth on his desk. I wouldn't understand for many years that the reason Stanley wolfed down his lunch each day was because he was hungry. Or that the lack of consistent running water was the reason he didn't always smell pleasant or look clean. His dad battled alcoholism and it was generally a losing ...