Sibling Love

A couple weeks ago a friend asked me what I did that made it so my kids get along. And part of me wanted to laugh out loud. Because there are so many moments where that wasn't the case. And so many moments when I lost my cool and launched into lecture and yell mode. Or threw things. Or made utterly ridiculous threats. Even as toddlers they sometimes were battling. One would even tell another to bite them and then tell on them. I remember the time two of my kids were in a physical brawl and after unclenching their fists and threatening to declaw one of them , they were sent to opposite corners. I gave them each a notebook and pencil and told them I didn't want to hear another word out of them but to write down what happened. One wrote a detailed three page entry of past grievances and how they should be completely absolved. The other wrote "__________ disrespected me so I beat the crap out of her." Then there was the phone vs the ...