
Showing posts from September, 2022

Jesus is Amazing

  We approached the playground for recess, only to find one of the play sets completely covered on every surface in mulch.  We suspected some of the neighborhood middle school students had found a fun prank, but until we could verify on the cameras we simply closed that area.  If it was one of our students, we were going to let them have the natural consequence of cleaning it all up. As each grade came out and saw the cones and heard us say it was closed, they gathered in amazement at the extensive nature of the mulching project but also to help brainstorm potential culprits.  One second grade boy came up and shook my arm.  "Who did this?!!!"   "I don't know" I shrugged. His little brown eyes got huge as he looked up at me and said, "Maybe it was Jesus! He does amazing things!" I smiled at his pure excitement. And my coworker and I laughed that we hadn't even considered a miracle as the possible cause.  Psalm 145:9 "The LORD is ...


  Studying in Isaiah today we were reading in Isaiah 51:1-3. It's a guide for those seeking to follow righteousness. "Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged." It's says to listen and follow Him, remembering that it is He who created us.   "2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him." Look back at Abraham and Sarah.  It may have seemed too late.   That the blessings were past possibility.   But God not only remembered them, but He made them more.   Covenants were made and blessings promised.  And covenants were kept.  Being covenant keepers is an essential part of the path of righteousness.   The blessings are great. "For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness li...


  Isaiah. Quoted 4,339 times in General Conferences and early discourses. Cited in at least 29 of our current hymns just based on our scriptural index. How Firm a Foundation is full of his prophetic words. One of seven Old Testament prophets painted by Michelangelo on their Sistine Chapel. The four Gospels lean on Isaiah more than any other book from the  Old Testament, with Jesus himself reading from Isaiah at the temple. Isaiah is also quoted and taught in the Book of Mormon. And of course, Handel's beloved Messiah also echoes Isaiah's words- "Wonderful! Counselor! The Mighty God! The Everlasting Father! The Prince of Peace!" As I pause to reflect on WHY his words were so impactful, or course there is the talent with the pen which he surely divinely possessed.  But there is also his subject. Each of us divinely created, loved and with purpose. Each of us also sinful and fallen but offered a rescue by our Savior. And the Spirit prompts me to yes, re...

A Christian

  "....oh,  because you're a Christian....", a friend rolled her eyes as she flippantly said the words. It's one of the arguments or responses that I do grow weary of. No, I don't think I'm better than you.   In fact I fiercely believe that Jesus Christ loved and suffered and died for you every bit as much as for me.  No, I don't follow His counsel to show how good I am.  But because I trust Him.  I believe it is wise and prudent to follow His counsel. No, I don't have some hidden agenda.  Treating people with love and serving others feels like the right way to live. It can be difficult to share what drives my faith, when Satan wants us to find ways to weaponize it.   I echo the words which Maya Angelou penned: “I Am A Christian”  When I say … “I am a Christian” I’m not shouting “I’m clean livin’.” I’m whispering “I was lost, Now I’m found and forgiven.” When I say … “I am a Christian” I don’t speak of this with pride. ...


  This morning I was on my way to work when on the radio there was a short message about the negativity in the world and an encouragement to be "a funny and hopeful person" in our lives today. I liked that thought, but was afraid I would forget the exact phrase is picked up my phone, gently squeezed the side buttons and requested, "Remind me to be a funny and hopeful person." Siri quickly responded.  "I'm sorry, but something's are beyond my control." Proverbs 15:13 "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance".  I must have laughed about this a dozen times today, does that count as funny? 😊


  Today as I sat waiting as first one, and then a second train went by I thought about the act of waiting. Nothing unusual here in Goshen where 100-120 trains a day come through with Elkhart Yard connecting Chicago to the many cities of the Northeast. Train time just has to be built in and when it's neglected we are late to work, appointments or ballgames.  I once sat for most of the first quarter of a football game as a train chose to move forward and backward slowly preventing me from getting to the field where I could hear the loudspeaker amid the clickity -clack of  the train.  Knowing my son was part of the tackles and runs I was hearing did nothing to help my patience. Sometimes we can take another route and use the overpasses, sometimes we are quite trapped and must simply wait.   Tonight as I sat there, sliding  my car into  park and flipping through my emails I realized without a deadline it is easier to be patient.  I still want...


  I entered the post office this morning with my arms loaded down with packages ready to drop off.  I'm there regularly so the postal clerks are fairly familiar.   We exchanged quick nods and I began to turn to leave, but I saw the clerk's eyes light up and couldn't help but pause and watch to see what was happening. An elderly gentleman dressed in simple denim shorts and a well-worn but very comfortable looking polo shirt approached the counter carrying a small tray of donuts. Another clerk quickly joined this one and I am telling you I could FEEL the warmth and love in that post office.  Clerk one gushed over them and assured him it hadn't been necessary. He thanked them for their service and especially for their positive and cheerful attitude and told them to have a great day. And then he turned and left. Curious and because there was no line in the post office, I approached the counter and asked for more details. It turns out this man is an attorney ...

The child in each of us

  Yesterday I was talking with a new, younger friend and she shared something beautiful with me that I hope to remember. She said to help change her negative thoughts about herself she had learned to take a picture of herself as a young child and tape it on her mirror.   And to remember to talk to herself as if she was talking to that young child.   I asked her if it helped and she flashed a brilliant smile and with a sparkle in her eyes, she nodded.  "So much."  She said that now her husband was doing the same and it had changed how they are parenting their son, (who is an adorable and happily independent five-year old), improved  their marriage and helped her feel more centered and confident.   I gave her a hug and thanked her.   D&C 18:10 teaches, "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;" President Joy D Jones echoed this in proclaiming, "Our children deserve to understand their divine identity." That incl...

Be The Good

  I am inspired by others. The way they work and love and serve and give makes me want to be more like them. Just this week a friend started a diaper pantry for those struggling to buy necessities as prices go up.  Another  bought something she knew a coworker liked and gave it to her just because. A sweet first grader helped me carry my books since I was using crutches. Another started a club  for "everyone who wanted to play no matter what".  I saw people holding doors. Or slowing down and waving another on at an intersection, and helping rock a baby. I saw a retired couple complete trainings so they can better teach and help kids who have endured trauma. I saw a coworker fighting back tears as another hugged her in comfort- no words- just a hug. I had ice cream treats and dinner dropped off.   I saw someone stop by the school to pay off lunch accounts for kids.   I saw a gentleman play with the tired 2-year old of an obvious...

Just Try

  I was reading the words of a young missionary friend today and had one of her thoughts really stand out to me. She said: "Serve without wanting blessings, just serve others because you love them or because you're trying to love them." Yes! Sometimes trying is all we can do.  But it is a really good place to start. I know I'm not always loveable, sometimes I'm barely housetrained and should probably be kept away from people for not playing well with others. But do I expect others to be perfect?  Seriously- that famous adage about never going to bed angry was not written by the companion of anyone like me.  Because my rationality scale sharply plummets with each passing hour of needed sleep skipped.  And sometimes there are days I just plain feel cranky and moody and in an uncharitable fashion share it with others.   None of that is to excuse my poor behavior, but to accept that humans have good and bad days and if two of us have bad days at t...


  My surgery on my knee went very well this week. In fact, the pain that had been ever-present for the last two months is now gone, where he removed the torn piece of cartilage. But I do now have new pain at my incisions and have to be patient and careful as I allow it to heal.  While I am allowed to stand and walk on it, when I feel the swelling straining at the stitches I know I need to get it elevated again. Sometimes I do get tired of being sick or injured so often.  That weariness is real.  And I know my family deals with me complaining too much.  I really felt a closeness to Sister Patricia Holland this week.  She had Elder Holland spoke of their own significant recent health challenges .  She said, "I have felt like everything I have done that’s been a challenge has driven me closer and closer to the Lord — everything,” I am not quite as good of a person as Sister Holland.  I would have to say that there were times I had to go ki...


  The other day as we walked back into school from a fire drill, a first grader pointed out a bird nest above the door. "Mrs. Potter," she started, "I sure am glad I don't live in a bird nest, aren't you?" Yes!  Yes I am.   Not one time have I ever shared my gratitude that I don't live in a nest. Or even thought about it.  I don't have to huddle down and keep the wind or heat off us. I don't have to use the yard and my nest for a restroom.  I have room to safely move around in my home. Yes I have problems and frustrations.   Yes I have overdue bills, medical concerns, work frustrations, cars that need to be fixed, loneliness at some times, exhaustion at others.  That's all called life.  But even with all of that and it's true feelings, I can still be grateful that I don't live in a nest.  President Bonnie D Parkin reminded, "Gratitude requires awareness and effort, not only to feel it but to express it. Frequ...

Isaiah 3:8-9

  Isaiah 3:8-9 For ​​​Jerusalem​ is ruined, and Judah is ​​​fallen​: because their tongue and their doings ​are​ against the ​​Lord​​, to provoke the eyes of his glory. ​​​9 ​​¶ ​The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their ​​​sin​ as ​​​Sodom​, they hide ​it​ not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. ...they declare their sin and hide it not... What does that sound like? Here are some examples I have heard recently or maybe even said or thought myself. 😬 "I'm just a bad kid." "I know I treat people poorly but that's because of my personality." "Everybody does this." "It's not a big deal." "God won't send you to Hell for this, come on." "She totally deserves this anyway." "Well at least I'm not doing what he does" Or my favorite: "Wow.  That's a rude scripture."   No, that's a true scripture.  ...