His Voice
One year I had a particularly difficult little 4 year old boy in my class. This kid was everywhere all the time and didn't ever hold still for more than 11 seconds. I know because I timed him. Unless he sat on my lap. Then he would lean back and relax in safety and use his arms to help mine hold him secure. So that was generally where he needed to be for us to have a productive circle time. I often say I'm not very patient, but in truth I'm incredibly patient with little children, I just get less patient with myself and other adults and teens. I'm working on it. One day as I was calming this little guy down by softly talking to him and almost imperceptibly rocking and giving him some needed pressure on his overactive muscles, he leaned back and looked up into my eyes with his forehead on my chin. "Mrs. Potter, I think your voice must be what God's voice sounds like." Then he snuggled in and I started circle time. It was withou...