
Fun fact about my husband. He hates any hymn or song about sunshine. I think maybe he doesn't like the idea of forced cheerfulness. There is no sunshine in his soul. It won't make his pathway bright. And he especially dislikes the image of skipping along scattering sunshine. Sunshine just isn't his thing. In our family it's a running joke. I may have told a couple of his friends who now send text messages with sun emojis to him when we sing those songs at church. I appreciate these people. Fortunately he still appreciates me. 😂 But here's the thing. He doesn't have to like the sunshine songs. You don't have to like all the hymns for salvation. You just don't. When I have the chance I pick other songs rather than ones I know he doesn't like. And he has taught me some of his favorites. But here's the other thing. He hasn't called for the elimination of the sunshine hymns. He is okay w...