
Last week I needed to make a quick trip home for some training meetings for work. My flight from Las Vegas to South Bend went through some storms. It was a red eye flight that had then been additionally delayed so I was extremely tired. It was the most turbulent flight I have ever been on and sleep was thus very difficult. At one point as the plane felt like it was being tossed around and lightning flashed wildly outside our window, I took in the passengers around me. Some were sick from the violent motion, some were gripping their seats in terror and some were crying. But the toddler behind me just kept holding on to her mom and watching her Dora the Explorer movies on her iPad. I do wish they had used headphones, but the child was unfazed by the potential dangers. She trusted the arms she was in completely. I was also unconcerned, partially because I was too tired for deep thought, but I just had the comforting thought that God w...