Via Dolorosa

Christ's route through Jerusalem and to his crucifixion was along a path which has been called Via Dolorosa, or "sorrowful way." The route leads to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and along the way historical stations of the cross celebrate and bring remembrance to important and meaningful events and encounters of Jesus Christ's last days. This week Ella and I joined friends for a local outdoor walk through the stations of the cross. It was a pleasant evening and signs of life along the wooded trail seemed to be the perfect backdrop to take some quiet moments and reflect on the greatest gift ever given. Each individual station had a prayer and a reflection, but what really moved me was the parallel way in which Jesus has been at each station of my life. And promises to be at yours. He has wiped my tears of exhaustion and fear. He has upheld me through agonizing pain and discomfort. He has celebrated my joys, filled my heart with love and taught ...